4 Ways in which CPA Firms Help Clients Grow their Business

4 Ways in which CPA Firms Help Clients Grow their Business

Accurate tax returns and financial statements are both critically important, but they only describe the story of the business as it is, not where it could go in the future. What most businesses need is a combination of big-picture strategic thinking ability and comprehensive financial expertise.

They want business growth options explained in an easy to understand tone, so they can make informed decisions. They want reports that are easy are to read and digest.

That’s why it is crucial, with the limited time and resources available to most, if not all growing businesses, to utilize the financial expertise and planning capabilities of a CPA firm. Just like the rest of the world, CPA firms in New York, with their knowledge and skills, are helping their clients to achieve success.

1. Test Growth Options with Break-Even Analysis

CPA firms help in creating budget and forecast reporting. They begin by setting goals for the next 12 months and use simple charts and graphs to see if the assumptions pan out. Within these reports, clients can see how variable and fixed costs compare with the sales volume at different periods. This helps in determining whether market conditions, seasonality, or other factors will have an impact.

 Once clients have the idea about their period expenses and revenue, they can create a break-even analysis to have a better sense of market conditions for profitable growth.

2. Help in Finding Key Performance Indicators

Every business has key performance indicators, and in most cases, CPA firms have adequate knowledge of these from working with different clients. They offer great advice on methods to set up KPI reports, which allow the clients to see how these KPIs are performing over time, which ultimately helps them in making sound decisions.

3. Understanding Cash Flow Projections

CPA firms help in creating financial reports, to help in planning for the KPIs that are crucial to comprehend for managing the cash flow of the business. Knowing how increased direct costs, expanding product lines, adding employees, or even a new location can impact cash flow is important to mitigate surprises.

4. Create an Advisory Board with CPA Firms

An advisory board can be invaluable to business owners, and having a proficient CPA firm brings an added level expertise to the table. With their extensive experience and knowledge of the field, their advice can make a huge difference, be it financial advice, investment prospect, or growth strategy. You can rely on them, as these professionals are financial wizards, and more often than not, come up with the best techniques.


No matter how strongly they deny it, business owners need guidance in budgeting, forecasting, auditing, financial management, and cash flow analysis to become more competitive in the industry. CPA firms in New York offer committed services and are known for delivering the best financial results.


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